2023 父親節蛋糕

(限自取)黑森林酒漬櫻桃蛋糕 Black Forest Cherry Cake

NT$ 1,380.00

|商品介紹|Introduction |


The 'Black Forest Cherry Cake' is our reinvention of a classic cake - it features cherries soaked for days in premium Italian Luxardo cherry liqueur, then combined with fresh cherries to create a captivating blend of cherry flavors. The luscious sponge cake is made with premium Valrhona chocolate, while the smooth Hokkaido Nakazawa fresh cream incorporates the aromatic essence of the soaked cherries. The outer layer is adorned with a delicate dark chocolate ganache and sprinkled with chopped pistachios and chopped bittersweet chocolate. With its refined black cherry aroma and a hint of intoxicating liquor, this cake offers a rich and indulgent taste, providing a unique and perfect sensory experience for dads to savor.

|食材|Ingredients |

內餡: 巧克力甘納許、黑櫻桃利口酒、可可粉、中澤鮮奶油、酒漬櫻桃

Cake Base: Chocolate cake
Filling: Chocolate, Luxardo cherry liqueur, cocoa powder, Hokkaido Fresh Cream, soaked cherries
Outer Layer: Fresh cherries, chocolate glaze, chopped pistachios, bittersweet chocolate shavings

|保存期限|Expiration Date| 

冷藏 3 天。
Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. 


** 過敏原:本產品含有乳製品、麩質、雞蛋,不適合對其過敏體質者食用。  
** Allergens:This product contains dairy products, gluten, and eggs. It is not suitable for those with allergies.  

須於 2 日前訂購,僅限「自取」,恕不提供外縣市宅配服務
Preorder 2 days ahead. Only ”Self-pickup" . 

