海鹽惡魔蛋糕 Salted Chocolate Devil's Food Cake
NT$ 795.00
|商品介紹|Introduction |
惡魔蛋糕 (Devil's Food Cake) 是經典美式甜點,比一般巧克力蛋糕紮實,主要的巧克力成分也比較豐富、濃稠,因此顏色比較深。Heritage的升級版是使用大量的法芙娜100%可可粉, 一口就吃的到奢華濃郁的巧克力味搭上海鹽焦糖, 但又不膩口。
Classic American dessert. The main chocolate ingredient is also richer and thicker, and therefore darker in color. The upgraded version of Heritage is to use a lot of Fafona 100% cocoa powder. In one bite, the luxurious rich chocolate flavor is paired with sea salt caramel.
|食材|Ingredients |
Valrhona Cocoa Powder, Cream Cheese, Salted Caramel.
冷藏 3 天
Keeps in the fridge for up to 3 days.