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紅蘿蔔蛋糕 Good Ol ' Carrot Cake

NT$ 960.00

|商品介紹|Introduction |
經典美式甜點,保有紅蘿蔔的蜜甜味而沒有苦澀味,淡淡的肉桂香,搭配上層香濃奶油起司糖霜, 外層鋪滿烤過的大顆香脆核桃粒。

Experience the ultimate indulgence with our classic carrot cake, with freshly grated carrots and warm spices, all layered between rich, creamy cream cheese frosting.  Finished off with toasted walnuts on the side for added texture, this delightful treat is perfect for any occasion!

|食材|Ingredients |
Carrots, Walnuts, Cream Cheese, Cinnamon.

Keeps in the fridge for up to 3 days.

須於 2 日前訂購

Order 2 days ahead.

** 過敏原:本產品含有乳製品、麩質、雞蛋,不適合對其過敏體質者食用。  
** Allergens:This product contains dairy products, nuts, gluten, and eggs. It is not suitable for those with allergies.    
